In the modern era, it has become quite significant for an individual to make a mark in the views of other people. Be it online or offline at a workplace it is important to be visible to know that you make a difference or you are different from your peers. This increasing trend is making people invest their time in looking for various paths to build a fake image or a persona which is not of one's own type. But does this help in the long run ?
The notion of being or becoming popular drives many people to go online or on social media to be the topic of discussion or a means of entertainment to others. Many people are looking towards monetizing and making a career out of the same. If these are things which they want to do as a hobby or to gain popularity instantly is not known to many but there may be a few who can gain through this kind of visibility which may help them to settle down in life.
An employee working in a corporate company knows the value of being visible. There are people who work and then there are people who are visible. It is not an absolute thing to say that the most visible person is the one who has worked hard or made the most impact. In the chase for visibility one should not forget that his/her ultimate goal is to be happy with the success they gain by doing the common things in an uncommon way!
