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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


What does traveling mean to you? How often do you like to travel? There are people who dwell on traveling all the time, then there are those who travel occasionally. The modern work culture and lifestyle has made many people to look at traveling from a different perspective. In order to escape the stress, boredom of monotonous work life, people look forward to weekends and holidays to travel, relieve themselves of all worries.

In the beginning people tend to enjoy the balance between the work and occasional outings, but after a point of time they don't feel like taking those trips. A routine which won't excite people after a duration. It is important to have an open mind, plan minimal, add a bit of spontaneity to any travel plans you make. If possible ride solo from time-to-time, an all self adventure trip where you travel with a clear & concise mind leaving everything behind.

When you focus on the destination too much and work to make it to the perfection, you forget to enjoy the process and make memories in your journey. It doesn't matter if you are constantly failing, not getting those small wins, utterly disappointed, have high expectations, extremely happy or unhappy, don't know what to do next, etc. you will find your way in the end. The path becomes clearer only when you start traveling with all your heart!

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