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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


How do you learn something new? Do you follow somebody or something, as a reference may be? There is no fixed formula for success or a template to guarantee you the same but there are things which can act as a guiding light for you to move in the right direction. Many of us have the habit of using a template to draft an email, write a letter, make an application, create a resume/CV, etc. It is required to put things in the right perspective each time.

When you are starting for the first time, what are your thoughts about how to go forward in career or business or life in general? It is common to look for a person who has already done that or been there before you. It makes your approach easy and you can plan things accordingly. Once you have a reference point, it is possible to assess where you are going and how you can steer back when something is not working or going as per your plan.

There are times when the templates don't work or no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to fit something in a template format. This may be an opportunity for you to make your own template. You can be that reference point to someone who is aspiring to do what you have done already. It takes guts & true grit to do something which was never done before. While you learn from others, it is not necessary to follow somebody/something always. You can be that visionary who carves his/her own path & be an exemplary template for others!

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