What does the word 'swarm' mean? Swarm is a group or collection. When you observe nature, you will find a collective behavior or pattern among various entities like birds, insects, animals etc called as swarm behavior. A best example of this behavior can be seen in 'ants', when ants find a food particle they collectively co-ordinate to move even things of relatively larger sizes.
The swarm pattern has been adapted across various disciplines. Many organizations around the world are maximizing their results through this method. The team members of appropriate skill level are coordinating to accomplish complex tasks. Swarming helps agile teams to deliver results on a regular basis.
How can you apply this principle in your life to amplify the results? It is quite simple and effective if you do it the right way. Always surround yourselves with people who will help to push your boundaries and complement you. Whether it is a school, college, business, workplace or a place where you interact with people frequently, make use of the time to learn and grow in your life. In other words form your own swarm team!
