Each and every person is a rookie in some or the other field but he/she may be a master in another one. The advantage you have as a rookie is that you are new and eager to learn the craft, the onus is not on you completely. This gives you the time to experiment and learn things efficiently which will lead to mastery of a craft. The key to succeeding as a rookie is to stay committed to the craft, observe, apply the things you learn and to never give up.
The pandemic has created sorts of level playing field for many aspiring entrepreneurs. Even the masters who made huge difference before are in the process of adapting to the new normal. This may be that golden chance for the rookies to explore, experiment, fail fast and fail safe. If you succeed this time, you scale quick through the advantage of digital means. Even if you fail you shall be quick to bootstrap a new idea/product and bring it to the market.
If you are in that phase of life where you are unsure of which job role to take or career to choose, don't play the wait game. You may have 2 or 3 different choices in your mind, pick one and go with it, you may find your inner calling during this process and post which you shall know exactly what you want to do in your life. Remember that a master has failed more times than a rookie ever has, so your path to mastery will be filled with many roadblocks!
