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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


What kind of people become your partners in business or life in general? They say that "Like poles repel each other, unlike poles attract each other". This may apply in some form to the kind of people you make friends, partners and build relationships with in life. It is often the unique nature of a person, something different from ones own nature that attracts him/her in your life. Some friends end up being life-long buddies with whom you share all your joys and sorrows. The relationships can get stronger with the trust you have for each other.

The type of relationships you build in your personal life can also bring similar types of people in your career or professional life. The best of the relationships have many things in common and also things that are not so common. When the other person accepts the way you are and pushes you to be the best version of yourself, you have a buddy for a lifetime. It is important to have such people in life with whom you can be yourself without any filters. The people who enjoy your success and stand with you during failures are to be treasured.

If you are an entrepreneur or aspiring to be one, you will need the right kind of people on your team. The people whom you can trust with any given job to be done on a certain day. A good employer-employee relationship is also critical to the success of the organization. There will be times when either of them shall be tested and have their backs against the wall but to handle those difficult pressure situations and continuing to deliver what is expected builds a stronger relationship. Learn to nourish and value the beautiful relationships in life!

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