The current circumstances may not offer a clear path for in-person networking but you can build your network online virtually. Networking will help you in numerous ways. In spite of knowing this many of us wont actively build our networks. This is more important now than ever before as with each skill you master it is important to let others know about your expertise. Your network will present you those opportunities.
Each connection you make virtually must add value to your network. Don't be that person who adds contacts/connects on a social media platform for the sake of numbers. Initiate a meaningful conversation or discussion, find synergies and if possible schedule a phone call or virtual meeting online. Today, we have many networking platforms where you can seek help from like minded people, solve problems, find solutions, build meaningful relationships, collaborate, find your next job etc.
It does not matter if you are a student, fresher, graduate, business owner or a person who has extra time in hand, focus on building your network. Ever since the lock down started many of you might have seen a spike in online activity in your communities/networks. While there are people who capitalize on this, others are still following the old ways. Find your next job through your network, find your next client through your network, find your next resource through your network. That's the power of having a strong network!
