If you have been working for an organization, you may be well aware of performance reviews. There are companies which do monthly, quarterly and/or annual performance reviews of their employees. It is during these times the manager evaluates the performance of the employees, if he/she has done a good job or needs to put in more efforts to be successful in the role assigned to them & meet the set goals.
The global corporations function efficiently by following a set of standard procedures, processes which help them to grow & be successful in the market. The collective efforts of the individuals, teams, departments, units, etc., make the enterprise stronger. It becomes very important as an organization grows in size to keep the quality of work delivered to the clients intact. Therefore, performance reviews act as the catalyst to push the growth of a company forward & ensure the employees best interests are considered.
Another essential way of looking at performance reviews is through self-evaluation. Many companies or managers in companies may be doing performance reviews as a mere formality. This should not stop you from evaluating the work you have been doing at the company and how it aligns with your career aspirations. If you are satisfied with the kind of work you have put in and the appreciation from the management, be happy about it. If you are not satisfied for a long time or you feel that you can excel better in a similar position at a different organization, it is never too late to make the right call!
