When internet was invented it changed the way the world did business in a significant way. Whenever a monumental change occurs in current processes, models or perceptions it is termed as a 'paradigm shift'. The world is experiencing an economic slowdown and we are at the brink of another recession. This time the repercussions are anticipated to be for longer periods unlike anything before.
It is important to note that this paradigm shift requires a whole new way of thinking and approach, whether you are a job seeker, employee, business owner or a student seeking a career path. The conventional means of finding a job, working in a company, running a business etc might not work any more. These are the best times for people to explore fields and areas they never thought can be a career choice.
People who are always looking for an easy or safe way to overcome every hurdle or avoid facing a problem might find it very difficult to find a job, work for a company in the coming years. The next generation risk-takers, people who are willing to experiment, identify and solve the problems will be the pioneers of a new global movement. The time to lead is now!