Are you in the midst of deciding whether to go for an online degree or to wait till things are back to normal so you could attend the classes in-person ? Some of the courses cannot offer the full benefits of an in-person class online and there are people who are willing to go for the online option but face issues with internet/data connectivity. The challenges remain at large while the govt is figuring out how to minimize the effects.
In our opinion, if your degree/course has more value when you take it up in an in-class setting, you may have to wait for few more days/months before taking up the degree. Or if you can manage with a combination of online and later an in-class program to balance the course, you may opt for this option. The degrees/courses which depend on practical learning may need more time to resume and an online alternative if available is a good option to keep yourselves updated.
The people who had planned for a higher degree abroad but couldn't go, if it is a 1 or 2 year degree it is not advisable to pursue online, do consider deferment options but if it is a 4 or 5 year plus degree you may go for the online option for the short period and later travel when things are back to normal. This year has altered the plans/careers of many students across the globe but stay positive & work towards fulfilling your dreams.
