Do you remember the first time you failed in something?
The first time you failed at something, you probably wouldn't have known the meaning of a failure. Even the most successful people would have experienced failures in their lives. The people who learn from failures and build on their findings are the ones who achieve greater things in life.
When I was in my 5th grade I read this poem called 'Try, try again'. "At first you may not succeed, you may fail once or twice but at last you would prevail, try, try again". These lines are so true and powerful that you can apply it at any and every stage of your life and find it to be true.
The world today is more focused on successful people, companies, businesses etc. so much so that the importance of a failure is getting masked. When Edison failed 1000 times before inventing a light bulb, he said he had found 1000 different ways that won't work and his invention happened in 1000 steps. "Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe". So it is time we understand that failure is a lesson and a stepping stone in our success story!
