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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


The normal tendency to anticipate things and get disappointed when they don't happen is a thing most of us understand. While none of us want the negative things happening but the general intuition will alert you when things are about to happen. Being a positive person helps you to face such situations gracefully and find the positives in it so that you can plan your next steps accordingly.

The current global pandemic has taught us all many valuable lessons and there are many positive things we can take from it. If your career has been affected severely due to this crisis, you can start focusing on the mistakes you have made and how you could address those to avoid similar situations in future. If your business has been impacted or pushed you to the brink of extinction, take the experience you have gained from this and start afresh. This time you are better prepared and stronger than ever before.

Many students are worried about the changes these pandemic has brought in their careers. The freshers or graduates seeking jobs are trying harder than before and they have to for a foreseeable time. The methods you have followed before may not apply in these situations, find new ways and be positive in each step you take forward. When you believe in the right thing & give your 100 percent, the result of your efforts shall reflect the same. Remember that your positive thoughts will yield those positive outcomes.

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