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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


A phase which most of us go through in our lives. An entrepreneur does his/her job well which creates opportunities for job seekers around the world. Many of us look at job as a means to prove ourselves what we are capable of achieving in this world. While many are happy and satisfied with the work, learning's, salary they earn, there are very few who aspire to do more!

If you are working in a company currently, do you remember the times when you worked so hard to clear your exams, interviews? Before you knew you might have landed your first job, got your first salary, first promotion etc. The question is do you love doing the work you are doing now? It is always the passion that drives you forward to be the best in what you do.

If you are a person who is seeking a job for the first time then remember to choose your career wisely. Choose a path which will help you to find your passion and a job you love to do any given day. There are no shortcuts to success, it is your will power, determination and grit that will make you go for the extra mile each time. The day you realize what you want to do and why you have to do it, you will never have to work a day in your life!

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