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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


One of the significant processes which human beings possess is the power of imagination. A lot of inventions which are brought into the real world are through the creative ideas, images, concepts envisioned by those inventors. All of us have the ability to imagine things which are out of our reach or beyond comprehension. The human mind which enables the various thought processes in human beings, acts as the driving factor for one's own imagination.

If you look at the most successful global entrepreneurs, business leaders, they had visualized the future of their companies at an early stage. The visionary entrepreneurs who dreamt of solving the problems faced by majority of the population had no absolute answers about their ideas working eventually. It is always a risk which an innovator, entrepreneur, would take to see their dreams come true. Many of them would not dare to move forward with their ideas and make their imaginations come true in the real world.

The graduates who are seeking an ideal start to their careers, a future they had imagined to be might have been pushed ahead because of the pandemic. This should not stop them in anyway to make their dreams come true. If you think about it, this will help you to shape your future in a reliable way. All your efforts & hardwork may not yield results instantly but will sure help you in the long run. The future belongs to those who wield the power of their imagination!

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