How often do you say this phrase? If you want to progress and learn new things in life, 'I don't know' is the most important phrase you need to acknowledge. There are times where you pretend to know something and do things in your own way, ending up with failures. It can be your ego or a way of self serving mechanism to have an upper hand in a group of people. You have to understand that you don't have to be 'the one' always.
The need to know or the expectations of knowing all things arises usually at your work places. If you are taking up a new project or even when you are starting to use a new tool at office, the general expectation will be that you already have used it or know something about it. In a way you give into the situation by saying 'yes' and later go back to looking into what it is actually and how to quickly learn, adapt to using the new tool or software.
If you are someone who has been used to not saying 'I don't know', try practicing it consciously and set the expectations among your group right. It is a possibility to learn something new and to not live in ignorance. You can become a fast learner and master the skill required to perform the task. There is no shame in acknowledging what you don't know. Remember to be a student at all times, as you learn something, there is something more to learn always and your approach towards it changes everything!
