Do you experience a kind of randomness in the things you do, activities you pursue, people and places you are attracted to, in life? No matter the amount of effort you put into keeping things in order in your daily life, there are certain things which don't fit the pattern and natural order. There is a sense of orderliness which drives you in the right direction even amongst the most unsettling atmosphere. A minor disturbance can cause a major effect.
Have you ever been to annual celebration events, festival gatherings which draw millions of people? If you observe the way things work over there, everything seems to be so random and you will not even be able to certainly say which place you are moving towards or where exactly you are located. Even during those times you will be finishing the tasks which you wanted to do and will be out of the place in a proper manner.
In our daily life, we are looking for more comforts to make our jobs easier. As we are able to unlock those comforts, we are filling that void with things which are of no significance to us. The natural balance is being disturbed to an extent where you no longer see the value in smaller acts or investing time in things which can restore the balance. Remember that the entropy is very much a part of the balance required to grow and move forward in life!
