What does domination mean to you in life? Are you someone who likes to take lead or control through domination at work? How do you react when you are dominated by others?
This is a quite common behavior you come across during different stages of life from people around you. From your childhood, memories of instances where you had a fight or saw one where one party exercised more control over the other. The same is viewed in many forms.
If you look at workplace and the way things are handled, there are many examples of people dominating the group. It may be necessary when you are in a lead position and have the responsibility to deliver work on time. This can be good and bad as well depending on the way it is exerted. There are times when people quit their jobs because of the excessive pressure from the superiors. And dominating when something is not required or necessary causes more problems in the team, affects the overall balance & performance.
If you are in a dominating position in a relationship or life in general, do not take things for granted. The realization happens only when you loose something or when things are out of your hands. When you can put yourself in the shoes of the other person and think what he/she might feel, you would act more sensibly. In this modern world, it is easy to loose something because of ego, anger, expectations, comparisons, etc. but to hold onto something which really matters when the odds are against you, that is true test of character!
