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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


A thing which has become an essential in most of the things you do today is the aspect of convenience. It can be as simple as ordering food online or getting a simple thing delivered home at a time convenient for you. The technological advancements has made it possible for this generation to achieve what was not possible few decades ago. This has also eliminated a lot of overhead time associated with many tasks which needs more attention.

What has the easiness of performing most of the tedious tasks earlier caused today? This has allowed people to have extra time on their hands which can be put to effective usage on important things. But at the same time a lot of people are filling this space with things which are non-productive and addictive in nature. Many of them are pushed to an edge with boredom and lack of interest in simple things which has lead them into a depression phase.

The best way to make use of the extra time on hand is by focusing on those small hobbies of yours to rejuvenate yourselves or create an alternate source of income with them. When you have a balance between work and recreation, the mental and physical activity of your body will be in a healthy state. When you can be in an alert state of mind which doesn't let you to loose balance and enjoy life to the fullest, you can be the best version of yourself!

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