The success of a person can be measured in various ways. One of the profound way is by inspiring others through one's own actions which in turn inspires others to follow the same path. You may need not follow a rule-book or a path laid down by others, at the same time if you are content with following a path laid down by somebody else there is nothing wrong in it. You as an individual can carve your own path in a unique way & inspire others as well.
We think that the tiniest of acts go unnoticed but someone might just pick up from your small act of kindness and carry it forward in different ways. If you are honest in the way you do things in life, the results may not be visible immediately but sure reaps you rewards in future in one form or another. The best of things can happen at the least anticipated times. The way you approach life and lead the way forward can become a benchmark for others.
There are number of stories where a person helped a friend in school or college and the same friend helped the other to get a job or grow in career later in life. In general, the impact one might have on another cannot be measured on a scale. The people, bonding and relationships you make while leading a normal life shall remain valuable always. It is very important that you acknowledge and cherish the things you have in life!
