In physics, the center of gravity essentially means the average location of the weight of an object. The earth's gravity is what keeps you on the ground and what makes things fall. In every person's life there will be a center of gravity which keeps him/her grounded. The moment they lose balance, whether it is due to the circumstances or by the present actions they face the consequences.
When you are in that phase of your life where you are relying on other people, parents efforts to make a living or your growth is dependent on others you will not be in a position to understand what the person is doing for you. But if you are the person taking care of others you will know the gravity of the situation.
These days youngsters who are stepping into the real world are not able to take the pressure from outside. More often you see people who are talking about stress, depression, quitting their jobs even before they have actually started their careers.
The common thing most of them have is a lack of vision, those who seek immediate results without mastering the art. In order for the gravity to keep you in a balanced state you should define your purpose and goals clearly.
