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  • Writer's pictureGuruSharan, PathfinderNRI


Have you experienced a phase in your life where you had to redo all the work from scratch ? In other words, when you were back to square one. This can be one of the toughest jobs to do when a person has to leave behind several years of work, time, energy spent on building something. On the brighter side, it can be an opportunity to build something more unique and robust this time from the previous learning.

Most of the modern day innovations are built on years of work from people of different backgrounds and walks of life. A medicine or cure for a disease might have taken several trials and years of hard work, research by scientists. There might be hundreds or thousands of failures before the actual product or innovation sees the light of day.

How many of you fear the day or time when you leave the job or work you are doing, you will be back to square one ? Even if there is a slight chance of this happening, start working on your back-up plan now before it is too late. The future generation's success depends on the ability to adapt with patience and persistence to achieve their goals. Every successful person has gone through this phase in his/her life and the key is to be patient and do whatever needs to be done!

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