The word 'AI' - Artificial Intelligence has become one of the biggest buzz words in recent times. What makes the world of AI so important? Since past few decades the data storage was expensive and acted as the biggest constraint to build a useful Artificial Intelligence. In the recent years, thanks to the innovations the data storage, manipulation, processing of large amounts of data is no longer a constraint.
How does an AI function? In simple terms, the intelligent machines which can think and work like a human demonstrate the AI behavior. Many people say that AI is the future but if you actually look around it is in the present. If you have used a voice activated assistant like Siri or Alexa, then you have already experienced the services of an AI. The general perception that AI is limited to only technology or IT industry is not true. AI is being extensively used in fields such as finance, banking, medical, business, education, law, manufacturing etc.
There has been a lot of discussion about automation affecting the jobs etc. It is true that some of the things which required man power earlier has now been replaced by machine work. There will be a new set of jobs which will be created as a result of the innovations and technological advancements. The world is moving towards a new order where the up-skilling of workforce is the need of the hour. If you are afraid of losing a job, stop worrying and focus on building your skills where your talent will be the most sought after in the future!
