Have you ever been deceived by someone ? How many of you have bought a product/service from a shop or saw an advertisement which made you buy something to find out you had just wasted your time, money and energy on something which was not useful ? In this modern era, it is highly unlikely that someone has not been deceived by a person or a thing.
If you are a student you can relate to many things which happen in your school/college.
If you are an employee in an organization, the things you say/do during team meetings, client interactions, reasons you give to your manager etc., may sound convincing to the people listening to you. But if you are not honest in what you are doing it will have adverse effects on your life.
The most important thing to know is that the kind of caution you exercise while not getting deceived by others, you should follow the same to not deceive yourselves. The moment you feel comfortable doing it to the people who trust, you will have a life of regrets. Deception does not last long. The choice is with you and make sure you choose wisely!