What is your USP or Unique Selling Proposition? Why should we hire you? These are 2 of the most common questions asked in job interviews. While most of them who graduated recently or about to graduate may not know how to respond to these questions & may fail to speak confidently in interviews. The best answers are usually not the complicated ones instead those are as simple as they can be.
I am excellent in using this tool or building applications using this software. I can confidently perform any operation or solve any problem with these techniques etc., can be your USP for a particular job position you may be interviewing. While you are trying to differentiate yourself from your peers and competitors, do not forget your primary strengths which can easily set you apart from them. In the process of looking for an innovative response you may loose sight of the actual thing, be watchful.
If you are an entrepreneur or aspiring to be one, the terms UVP - Unique Value Proposition & competitive edge/advantage might sound familiar to you. In this digital world, each business needs to have an USP which can propel their growth in a competitive market. The aspiring entrepreneurs have to focus on the needs of their end customer, it may be quality or service associated with your product or company. The USP can take your business to the next level, can create brand value in the market.
