GuruSharan, PathfinderNRINov 13, 20221 min readWORK AROUNDHow many times have you been in situations where you had to achieve the target one way or another? The regular or straight way might be...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIOct 16, 20221 min readDECISIVEHow significant is the role of decisiveness in your career and life? The ability with which you can take decisions quickly and...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRISep 25, 20221 min readWORK ETHICWhat are the ethics you follow at work that you take pride in the most? Each individual has his/her own set of moral principles they...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRISep 4, 20221 min readWINNING FORMULADo you have a winning formula? A formula which guarantees success at all times. If there was one such formula, every person in this world...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIAug 21, 20221 min readHIGHER EDUCATIONDo you think that higher education is necessary for career growth and higher pay scale? It has been a significant factor in the global...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIAug 7, 20221 min readCONFUSION TO CLARITYHave you observed that there are few people who are absolutely certain about what they want and what they are doing in life? And then...