GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIMay 29, 20221 min readSUSTAINABILITYThe economic growth of any nation should happen in a sustainable manner. The business opportunities, jobs, infrastructure development,...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIMay 22, 20221 min readIMPERSONATEHave you ever tried to impersonate somebody? In other words, have you pretended to be someone who you are not in real life? This might...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIMay 15, 20221 min readDOMINATIONWhat does domination mean to you in life? Are you someone who likes to take lead or control through domination at work? How do you react...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIApr 24, 20221 min readINTUITIONHow often do you know the things you are about to do in future? Does your planning lead to perfect execution each time? What has been the...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIMar 6, 20222 min readRELATIONSHIPSWhat kind of people become your partners in business or life in general? They say that "Like poles repel each other, unlike poles attract...
GuruSharan, PathfinderNRIFeb 27, 20221 min readCIRCLEDo you have a group of close friends whom you often interact with and spend time with? How big or sound is your inner circle? It doesn't...